Indusys Technologies Belgium SRL
Design and manufacture of ammunition
production machinery for recreational shooting
(sport shooting and hunting)
• 1994
Design and manufacture of ammunition
production machinery for recreational shooting
(sport shooting and hunting)
• 1994
Zoning Artisanal de Cornemont
Rue de la Légende 51
4141 Louveigné | Belgium
T : +32 (0)4 38 351 89
Indusys Technologies Belgium SRL
Indusys is reputed for designing and manufacturing quality production machines, progression tooling and high- speed quality control (by camera) systems for:
• Shotshell and rimfire cartridges used in sport shooting and hunting activities
• Powder actuated cartridges used in civil engineering and humane slaughter
• Safety related deep drawn metal parts such as airbag cups, belt tensioners
• Igniters for mines and quarries, …
Apart from original machinery designs, Indusys is also skilled in mechanically and electrically upgrading existing machinery and their feeding systems.